четверг, 19 марта 2020 г.

Every decent algorithm book reflects the design philosophy of its author. For students seeking alternative presentations and viewpoints, we particularly recommend
the books of Corman, et. al [CLRS01], Kleinberg/Tardos [KT06], and Manber
Formal proofs of algorithm correctness are important, and deserve a fuller discussion than we are able to provide in this chapter. See Gries [Gri89] for a thorough
introduction to the techniques of program verification.
The movie scheduling problem represents a very special case of the generalindependent setproblem, which is discussed in Section 16.2 (page 528). The restriction
limits the allowable input instances to interval graphs, where the vertices of the
graphGcan be represented by intervals on the line and (i, j) is an edge ofGiff
the intervals overlap. Golumbic [Gol04] provides a full treatment of this interesting
and important class of graphs.
Jon Bentley’sProgramming Pearlscolumns are probably the best known collection of algorithmic “war stories.” Originally published in the Communications
of the ACM, they have been collected in two books [Ben90, Ben99]. Brooks’s The
Mythical Man Month[Bro95] is another wonderful collection of war stories, focused
more on software engineering than algorithm design, but they remain a source of
considerable wisdom. Every programmer should read all these books, for pleasure
as well as insight.

Steven S. Skiena
The Algorithm Design Manual

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