вторник, 15 октября 2013 г.

Касательно ip default-network

The ip default-network command is used mostly with routing protocols. The ip route command is used with static routing. Both are achieving the same goals but can be used in different scenarios. If you have a routing protocol for a domain, and you would like to advertise to the rest of the routers that a default route, you would implement the ip default-network command. This would cause the routing protocol to carry the candidate for default network in its routing updates to all routers in the domain.

The ip route xx is a command that is statically assigned. This is called a default network because the all-zeros syntax means to catch all routes. The ip route command is not automatically carried in routing updates like the ip default-network command is in some routing protocols. You must redistribute the static command into a routing protocol for it to be carried.

In a network where, there are multiple default gateways, you must understand that certain parts of the network will be routed out one direction, and other parts might be routed out another direction. Understand that each router makes it's own forwarding decision even when the network is converged with consistent routing information. This can cause an un-even balance of routing out of default routes.


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